Maths: NNS6 Activity 8

Walt: Order Decimals in a list

Hey bloggers today for maths we are doing activity 8 of the NNS6 slides. First we learnt and looked at the Nutrition on the packaging of some muffins, brownies and cookies. After that we had to look at different things on the packaging. We had to do it on the per 100 Grams column. After that the next step is to make a copy of the slideshow we have to make and then move it to our maths folder and then we had to look at the two questions we had to do. The first question is that we had to Compare the sugar content with the five boxes of baking by putting the amounts in order on a number line, we have to use the number line on the Interactive Whiteboard. For question 2 we had to say which of the boxes of baking would be recommended. We had to choose the ones with low sugars so you wouldn’t get sick as well.

Here is my one!

 Bye bye bloggers I hoped you liked my blogs and don’t forget to comment!

Reading create tasks week 10 term 3

Walt: relate Ideas to own experiences and wider world.

Hey bloggers this week for reading we are doing the same book choices as last week, they are about the Environment. This time the book I chose was called Up the pipe. Up the pipe is about Doctor Louis Tremblay who is an Environmental Toxicologist. Doctor Louis Tremblay researches polluted soils and rivers, he soon finds out about sludge and finds out that sludge is made from chemicals from cleaning products, like toothpaste and soap. He later finds out that we produce 350,000 of this stuff each year. Doctor Louis Tremblay wants this to stop so that this sludge doesn’t keep on growing and put in to the landfill, instead he want’s to see it to be put to good use. He then wants people to stop using these cleaning products and make their own and he has put up some examples of ways to create soap for your hands and dishes. 

Scaffolding text: The scaffolding text is about how wastewater is treated in water care, this is also a video and in this video you can learn about wastewater and what you do in water care. This also tells facts about water care and how it works, this is also a video. I think it shows you this video when they are at the water care place.

Complementary text: The complementary text is also a video and is about wastewater treatment plant upgrade, in this video you can learn a lot about wastewater like the other text we just read and you can learn a lot about the wastewater plant treatment. The wastewater plant treatment is also very interesting to learn about because there are a whole lot of facts you can learn about it.

Challenge text: The challenge text is a text that you have to read and it is about sewage treatment facts for kids, in this text you can learn lot’s about sewage treatment and you can also learn a whole lot of facts from this text. The sewage treatment is very interesting because you can learn a lot about the sewage and sewage treatment.

Create task 1

For create task 1 we had to create a copy of a Google Drawing which is called a flowchart and then name it and move it to your reading folder. I named mine Up the pipe Flowchart because it would tell me it was a flowchart about up the pipe. After that we had to read our book, as you know mine was called Up the pipe. After reading our books we have to write six facts about our books on the flowchart we made a copy of, that’s why we read our books, to get facts. You could also reread your text if you are stuck on getting some facts about your text. Also if you need more help you should go and look in the supporting texts because you could find more facts in those texts and there are also three of them so you should find a lot of facts in those supporting texts.  After doing that you could change the background colour, add pictures, and change the type of fonts and colours of the words. You could also add more colour by filling the colour of the text boxes to make it much brighter.

I enjoyed this task, I liked how I could go on a google drawing and get facts about Up the pipe and also go on the  Up the pipe e-book to get the facts, this was very fun. I could also get facts from the supporting texts too.  I also think I did very well on this task but this task was easy because the facts were on a doc and it was only six. But I still  looked in the supporting texts to see if I could get better facts. I think I did a very good job on my flowchart because I think I got good facts and I think I also did very well on this task. Anyway I think I did a good job and I think I did well on relating Ideas. I also learnt a lot of facts because this task was also about finding six facts but I still learnt more that six facts. I hope you liked this flowchart.

Here is my flow chart about Up the pipe!

 Create task 2

For create task 2 we had to choose from six choices, the choices were Identify, Questioning, design, Examine and create. For this task I chose Examine, for Examine we had to choose a DLO and put the task on it. I chose canva for this task because I like canva. For the task Examine we had to make a summary of the text, my text was Up the pipe as you already know. We could read your book to get the idea of how to summarise your text, you could also read it as much as you like until you get the idea of the summary you are going to write for this task. Once you have finished your summary you can change the background colour, the colour of the words and you could also add an animation and you could also add some pictures if you wanted to. The animation I used was the wipe animation because I like this animation and I use it for a lot of my blogs. This animation is also very good and I like it.

I enjoyed this task,  I enjoyed being able to go on canva for this task because it’s fun and I enjoy going on canva but also because I like canva. Next I enjoyed this task because it also made my brain think because it made me think by making me think about how to create a summary. Finding how to create the summary was the hardest bit because it would be hard because the book was really long and it would take a long time to read because of how long it was. I also think I did well on doing this task and I think I did a very good job because I reread the book and tried hard on this task. Next I think I did well on finding how to create a summary about it,  It was really hard to put the summary together because there was a lot of pages for the text which meant there was a lot of words in the entire text, and that made me reread the text a few times until I found out how to put the summary together. I also think I did a really good job because I worked hard on creating the canva video and I tried really hard to create this task. I also learnt a lot by doing this task because we had to reread the book again which gave me more facts. Okay that’s all but I think I did a good job by relating ideas. This task was very fun and quite easy because the summary was easy to write down but a bit hard to find how to create the summary and again this task was very fun. I hope you liked this task.

Here is my summary of Up the pipe!

Create task 3

For create task 3 we had to choose from the six choices again, if you can’t remember the choices are identify, Questioning, design, Examine and create. For this task I chose design, for this task I had to choose a DLO to do this task on. I chose to do the task on an Google Drawing. After choosing the DLO we have to name it and then we had to start doing the task. For this task we had to create something to help with the problem that your book had. My problem was about sludge, we produce 350,000 tonnes of sludge a year which is a problem because it always ends up in the landfill. There are also a few more problems because sludge is also quite useful because it can be turned into fertilizer and it always ends up in the landfill still, so that’s why my thing was going to get rid of sludge because the landfill keeps on getting bigger and bigger. So the thing I made was a thing to purify the water so the sludge couldn’t stay in the water. We could add anything to stop the problem, but as long as it is related to the book or text you have been working on for the week. On this task you could also change the font and change the background colour and you could also add a border on the words so you can see the words better. You could also fill in the text boxes where you have the words to make them stand out more. Also You also have to add text boxes to show what your thing does and how it does what it does.

I enjoyed this task, but this time because I enjoyed going on a google drawing and using the polygon and curve thing to create my thing. Next I enjoyed this task because it also made my brain think because I had to find a way to think how to solve the sludge problem. Finding how to make the thing to solve the problem was the hardest bit of this design task.  I also think I did well on doing this task and I think I did a very good job. Next I think I did well on finding how to create a thing to solve it. I also think I did well on creating the thing and finding good colours for this task. I also think I chose the right DLO for this task because on a google drawing you can create your own shapes. You can also use the polygon line and the curve and many other stuff such as the shapes and more. Now I think I did a really good job on this task and I think I did well on relating Ideas for this blog. I also learnt more facts in this article and learnt how to solve a sludge problem because the thing I created was to solve the sludge problem and this task was also very fun. I hope you like this task.

Here is my task that I made to stop the sludge problem!

Bloggers I hoped you liked my work and don’t forget to comment, bye bye bloggers and I hope you learnt something. This is also my last reading blog of the third term  of school and it can also be my last blog of the term so that is why  I’m trying to make it my best reading blog of the term. Okay bye bye now. I hoped you liked my blog and I hope you comment for my last reading blog of the third term of school.

Book 4 NNS6 Activity 7

Walt: Compare Decimal Quantities.

Hey bloggers today for maths we have been learning more about decimals, for this task we had to create a Google Drawing and then go on to the numicon interactive whiteboard and click widescreen. When you create a Google Drawing don’t forget to move it to your maths folder and name it. Okay when we get to the Interactive whiteboard we have to go and click on work spaces, then on baseboards and then click Decimal baseboard x 2. After that we have to go onto the maths continuing on book four and go and look at what decimals we would have to show and write the things. After we find the decimals we should be writing down and then complete them and then we have to write which decimal was bigger out of the two and how much bigger it was.

Here is my one!

I hope you like my work bloggers and don’t forget to comment, Bye bye!

Reading create tasks week 9 term 3

Walt: relate Ideas to own experiences and wider world.

Hey bloggers this week for reading our book choices are about the environment, my book is called unwanted visitors and this is about border security. This article tells us many insects and bugs that have tried to sneak in to an new country to them. Some of these bugs could be the Stink Bug or the Gypsy Moth. This article tells us about New Zealand, what we protect from, border control, not wanted bugs and insects and beyond the border and the last thing is about home bio security Officers. I learnt that when unwanted species slip through the border security they had to put up signs with the unwanted specie on it and they do it quick so that when the see it they can capture it before it makes more of it self.

Scaffolding text: For the scaffolding text we have to watch a video about a 2023 bio security New Zealand in flight, this video tells us stuff about border security and bio security. This video also tells us about the border security and bio security on a plane view so you can see New Zealand on the video.

Complementary text: For the complementary text we have to watch another video, but this video is about Bio security, protecting to grow in New Zealand. This video tells us about more bio security and border security but also about plants and insects of new Zealand.

Challenge text: For the challenge text we have to read an article about Bio security and border security. This tells us what Biosecurity does and why they do it. It also tells us what they do and what they protect and how they protect it. It also tells us about some types of animals and also tells us about some diseases.

Create task 1

For create task 1 we had to create a copy of a Google Drawing which is called a flowchart and then name it and move it to your reading folder. After that we had to read our book, as you know mine was called unwanted visitors. After reading our books we have to write six facts about our books on the flowchart we made a copy of, that’s why we read our books, to get facts. If you need more help you should go and look in the supporting texts because you could find more facts in those texts. After doing that you could change the background colour, add pictures, and change the type of fonts and colours of the words.

I enjoyed this task, I liked how I could go on a google drawing and get facts about unwanted visitors and also go on the  Unwanted visitors e-book to get the facts, this was very fun. I also think I did very well on this task but this task was easy because the facts were on a doc and it was only six. Anyway I think I did a good job and I think I did well on relating Ideas.

Here is my flowchart from create task 1!

Create task 2

For create task two we had to choose from 6 choices and these choices would also be used in create task three. The six choices were Identify, Questioning, Design, Examine, Evaluate, Create. For this task I chose Questioning because I wanted to Question the story. For this create task we had to come up with three questions to question the story, we also had to include the answers to the story. For this task I had to read the book again to find the right questions to put into this create task but I also had to know the answers to the questions I chose. Also if you did this create task you could also read the book again if you needed questions. We had to make this on an DLO. I chose a slideshow because I thought it would make this easy. After finishing your create task you could also change the background colour, the font and more!

I enjoyed this task and it  was fun because we could get the questions from the book and they were very easy to find, there was also a lot of questions you could get from this book but I mostly got mine from the middle of the text. I also enjoyed finding a theme for this task and changing the colours of the words and size. I also think I did well by relating Ideas.

Create task 2

Create task 3

For create task 3 we had to choose from the six choices again, if you can’t remember those choices were Identify, Questioning, Design, Examine, Evaluate, Create. The one I chose this time was Examine. First we had to create a DLO, second we had to name it and then we had to create it. For this task we had to create a summary of the text we chose and read. We could reread the book to help us get a better summary. After you finish you could change the colour of your words the background colour and the size of your words. You could also add pictures.

I enjoyed this task, again I enjoyed being able to go on canva for this task because it’s fun and I enjoy going on canva but also because I like canva. Next I enjoyed this task because it also made my brain think because it made me think by making me think about how to create a summary. Finding how to create the summary was the hardest bit. I also think I did well on doing this task and I think I did a very good job. Next I think I did well on finding how to create a summary about it,  It was really hard to put the summary together because there was a lot of pages for the text which meant there was a lot of words in the entire text, and that made me reread the text a few times until I found out how to put the summary together.  Okay that’s all but I think I did a good job by relating ideas.

Here is my summary of the unwanted visitors article!

I hoped you liked my blog bloggers and don’t forget to comment, bye bye.





Maths: Book 4 NNS6 Activity 5

Walt: Represent decimal fractions with Numicon Shapes.

Hey bloggers today for maths we have been learning about fractions, for this task we had to go to the maths slide on the Senior learning site and then click the link that said practice. We then had to make a copy and then move it to our maths folder and then start the task. After we do that we have to go to the Numicon Interactive Whiteboard and go to widescreen, then put up the decimal baseboard. After doing that we had to look at the Google drawing and then look at the decimal part of the Google Drawing. Let’s say the decimal was 4.4, we would have to create the fraction for it and show it with the decimal baseboard. On the decimal baseboard we would have to put forty on it and but a 4 as a whole number above the baseboard. The decimal baseboard equals one. Since you know how to do it, we would have to finish all the other questions and write the fraction and show it. We would also make the fraction with the fraction builder on the Numicon Interactive Whiteboard.

Here is my one that I made!

I hope you liked my task bloggers and don’t forget to comment, Bye Bye!




Reading create task week 8 term 3

Walt: Compare and contrast within and between texts.

Hey bloggers this week for reading the books we are choosing from are about the winter Olympics, the book I chose was called Ice hockey.  Now I will summarise this Ice hockey story to you: This story is about Ice hockey, it explains rules about Ice hockey and facts, it also includes a few pictures of Ice hockey. Some of the facts would tell when this sport was made or Originated, or other things like that. It would also tell how this game developed from what it was long ago. Also if you read it you would find some interesting facts. Okay now I will summarise the supporting texts that came with the story.

Scaffolding text: For the scaffolding text, we would learn the rules of Ice hockey and some rules would be  in the book we just summarised. It would also tell some very interesting rules such as that the uniform the Goal keeper wears is very different to the players uniform because the Goal keeper is padded up all over their body. This supporting text is also a video.

Complementary text:  For the complementary text we would have to watch a Video, the video we would have to watch is a video of Finland winning their first gold, this video will show their match against a team but I don’t know there name but it just says that for short it is Roc.

Challenge text: For the challenge text we have to read a site about Ice hockey, it tells the history of it, the photo’s of some Ice hockey players cheering. You can learn a lot of facts in the challenge text.

Create task 1

For create task one we have to create a google drawing, name it and then move it to our reading folder, after doing that we have to fill in the google drawing by writing down a fact in each of the squares in the google drawing. We have to read the book fully and the supporting texts fully so we don’t get stuck on getting some facts. We could change the font, the size, the type of writing for our words we wrote in the google drawing. we could also change the google drawing’s background colour and other stuff in the google drawing. You could also add pictures that are related to Ice Hockey and they also have to be related to your book.

I enjoyed this task, I liked how I could go on a google drawing and get facts about Ice hockey and also go on the Ice hockey doc to get the facts, this was very fun. I also think I did very well on this task but this task was easy because the facts were on a doc and it was only six. Anyway I think I did a good job and I think I did well by comparing and contrasting.

Here is my Ice hockey flowchart!

create task 2

For create task 2 we had to choose from six choices, the choices were Identify, Questioning, Design, Examine, Evaluate, Create. For this task I chose Identify, for this task we had to say a person was in a wheelchair and was going to play the sport our book was about and then we also had to think about what to change? Let’s say since I’m doing Ice hockey for my book, what would I need to change. How would we make the wheelchair slide on the Ice? What if the wheelchair broke while playing Ice hockey? That stuff is what we should change for this task. So after you finish doing that we could add pictures, change the background colour, change the type of writing, like you could change it to the workout one, or the one with a blue big S and the word surname underneath the big, blue S and that surname word is in the colour white. You could also change the colour of the writing.

I enjoyed this task, I think it was fun to be able to canva and do this task, I chose this task to make it challenging and that this task would make me think about what I would need to change to complete this task. This task was still easy though. I think I also did well on finding the pictures for this text and coming up with the ideas to complete this task. I also learnt a lot of facts about Ice hockey in this task. I also think I did well on comparing and contrasting.

Here is my Ice hockey Identify task!

Create task 3

For create task 3 we had to choose from the six choices from create task 2, if you can’t remember the tasks were Identify, Questioning, Design, Examine, Evaluate, Create, this time I chose Examine. For Examine we had to choose a DLO to create this task. Once we chose our DLO ( Mine was canva) we had to name it and then we had to come up with some rules about the sport your book was about. My book was an Ice hockey book so mine would be Ice hockey facts. If you wanted help you could reread your book to help yourself from getting your rules. If you needed even more help to get more rules you could go to your scaffolding text, complementary and challenge text to get more Ideas and rules. Once you finish getting your rules down on your DLO you can then add pictures and change the background colour and you could also check more of the different types of writings to make your task cooler! If you wanted your task to be really cool you could add animations, I added the wipe animation.

I enjoyed this task, again I enjoyed being able to go on canva for this task because it’s fun and I enjoy going on canva but also because I like canva. Next I enjoyed this task because it also made my brain think because it made me think by making me think about creating a new rule. Creating a new rule was also the hardest bit. I also think I did well on doing this task and I think I did a very good job. Next I think I did well on the rules, the rules were also quite hard to find because they were also quite hidden in the text of the doc where we got the facts from, and that made me reread the text until a found a rule. Also I think I did a good job on the rules because I filled up the entire slide with the size of the words just on 30 which is really small from the editing screen. Okay that’s all but I think I did a good job on comparing and contrasting.

Here is my Ice hockey rules!

Bye bye bloggers I hopped you liked my blog and don’t forget to comment, bye bye bloggers!

Maths: Fractions activity 11/9/2024

Walt: make connections with fractions on a Number line.

Hey bloggers today for maths we had to do a task with fractions, we first had to go into the Numicon Interactive whiteboard. Next we had to click work spaces, then click Number lines and then click 0-1. 01 Number line and then click done. After doing that we had to write the Numbers to beneath the number line and then we had to do it from one to ten. After that we had to use the fraction builder to create 5 fractions, the fractions we put on is given from the teacher. We then had to put the fractions above the number line to where they are meant to go, we then had to click draw and use the line to make a line underneath the fraction and pointing it to the line where the fractions belong. Then we have to screenshot it an then blog it.

I enjoyed this task, it was very fun, I enjoyed the bit where you create the fractions.

Here is my Fraction Number line!


Bye bye bloggers I hoped you liked my maths task and don’t forget to comment!


Reading create tasks week 7 term 3

Walt: Compare and contrast within and between texts.

Hey bloggers this week for are book choices we did winter Olympic books. The book I chose was about Bobsleigh. In the book bobsleigh it tells us facts about Bob sleighing. It would also tell us what you do in it, like you would have to have a team of 4 or 2, and that all depends what type of Bob sleighing they are doing. In Bob Sleighing you would have to have a brakeman and a driver. The drivers roll is to use 2 things to pull on, the things that make them go left or right. The Brakeman role is to stop the Bobsleigh at the end of the course or race. When the Bobsleigh is moving the two pushers in the middle and the brakeman would lean forward to make them go faster.

Scaffolding text:  For the scaffolding text we had to watch a video telling us what the rules and stuff are in Bob sleighing, such as your team will have a weight limit and if the team is over this weight limit they will be disqualified.

Complementary text: For the complementary text we had to watch another video of the United States of America winning a gold medal in the 4 people Bob Sleighing. This video will show a whole lot of other countries doing Bob sleighing as well as United States of America.

Challenge text: For the Challenge text it would tell us the history of Bob Sleighing. It would tell us what happened in the history of Bob Sleighing and when it came to the winter Olympics and when it was made or invented.

Create task 1

For create task one we had to make a flowchart for our sport and write in six facts. We had to read our book entirely and then write our facts because the facts would be from the book. You could also use the Scaffolding, Complementary and Challenge text if we needed more facts about Bob Sleighing. We could also change the font and change the background colour and we could also change a lot more.

I enjoyed this task and I think I did do a good job and I also enjoyed this task. This task was also super easy, and it was really fun. I also hope you enjoy reading this create task!

Here is my Bob Sleighing flowchart on a Google Drawing!

Create task 2

For create task two we had to choose from 6 choices and these choices would also be used in create task three. The six choices were Identify, Questioning, Design, Examine, Evaluate, Create. For this task I chose Questioning because I wanted to Question the story. For this create task we had to come up with three questions to question the story, we also had to include the answers to the story. For this task I had to read the book again to find the right questions to put into this create task but I also had to know the answers to the questions I chose. Also if you did this create task you could also read the book again if you needed questions. We had to make this on an DLO. I chose a slideshow because I thought it would make this easy. After finishing your create task you could also change the background colour, the font and more!

I enjoyed this task and I think I did a good job and did very well with this task and I also think I managed to compare and contrast within and between texts. This task was also really fun and I think I did a Good Job!

Here is my, Questioning the Bob sleighing, article slideshow!

Create task 3

For create task 3 we had to choose from the six choices from create task 2, if you can’t remember the tasks were Identify, Questioning, Design, Examine, Evaluate, Create, this time I chose Examine. For Examine we had to create a DLO and the DLO I chose was a canva, video. When we created the canva video we had to name it and Probably write the title on the video as well, then we had to reread our book, and I had to reread my Bobsledding book. When we finished reading the book we had to write facts about the Winter Olympic Sport we read about. We had to include all the rules we learnt and then we had to make our own rule, we had to think hard what would be another Good rule for Bobsledding. After we finished we could add animations and change the type of writing and add pictures.

I enjoyed this task and I think I did a good job and did very well with this task and I also think I managed to compare and contrast within and between texts. This task was also really fun and I think I did a Good Job!

Here is my video of rules of bobsledding and one of my own rules!

Bye bye bloggers I hoped you like my work and don’t forget to comment, Bye bye!

Narrative Writing blog

Hey bloggers for the last couple weeks we have been making Narratives. For the first step we had to choose a thing to make our Narrative about. On the planning there are the characters, setting, problem and solution. Then after we had to construct the actual Narrative. My Narrative was about an alive rock. We could then write about the beginning, Problem and solution in the actual story. When we finished the story we had to edit it and then Publish it. Remember to show the teacher your work before moving on to the next paragraph.

Here is my story!

Bye bye bloggers I hope you liked my blog and don’t forget to comment!


Italy winter Olympic medal task, Inquiry

Hey bloggers this week for Inquiry we had to create a medal for Italy. We had to think about what they like and what the colours of the Italy Flag is and more stuff they like. There were a couple links to get to pages where it would tell you about Italy. We would have to create the medal on Google Drawing and we would also have to name it so it doesn’t get lost in your drive. There were also a couple videos to watch about Italy and we could also use the shapes and change the colours on them.

Here is my medal!


Bye bye bloggers I hoped you liked my blog and don’t forget to comment!