Reading create tasks week 9 term 2

Hey bloggers this week for reading the Walt: Skim read to locate specific information and relief. The book I chose was called Nian the new year monster. The character Nian is the monster that made Chinese culture. Nian is also the monster that made the china culture, by making them wear red, he is also scared of red and scared of loud noises. He comes to china to eat all the things in peoples houses one time a year, this is why they have Chinese culture. Now let’s move on to the create tasks.

Create task 1

For create task 1 we had to get our reading books and choose a character from the book you chose, and then write the character’s name. After that we have to write 2 sentences telling us why we like this character, and then come up with 5 adjectives. There is a video telling us what adjectives are too. The sentences also have to be in full sentences as well.

I enjoyed this create task a little bit, but not that much because I like doing my work digitally. I enjoyed this a little bit because it was easy and that it was easy choosing a character because there were around 3 characters and it was easy coming up with sentences and adjectives.

Here is my work, I put it on my paper and then I took a picture of it

Create task 2

For create task 2 we had to create a mind map, on our mind map we had to include 6 facts and get them from the complementary text, scaffolding text and challenge text. After that we have to title it and move it to our reading folder, after moving it to our reading folder we have to highlight the fact that was most interesting.

This create task was really easy and fun. I learnt a lot of facts about the new year and some really interesting ones. The one I highlighted  was a really interesting one that I did not know.

Here is my mind map!

Create task 3

For create task 3 we had to create a Canva video and summarise our story, Nian the new year monster. We also had to read aloud our create task 1. We had to make sure we read our story with expression and change voices for different characters. After that we had to add pictures and words to the slide. On my slide I had a picture of Nian the new year monster and some words for my summary and adjectives and sentences.

This create task was fun because we could read our create task 1 and summarize the story Nian the new year monster.

Here is my canva video!

Bye-bye bloggers I hope you like my create tasks and don’t forget to comment!


Maths: Pizza Equations

Hey bloggers this week for maths we have been doing Pizza Equations, for our pizza Equations we had to make 3, 8 piece pizzas. The 3 pizza flavours were Veggie Supreme, Cheese and meat lovers. We had to say how much slices were eaten and how much were left for each of the pizzas. After that we had to make 2 additional equations, using fractions. We got our fractions by using the Interactive Whiteboard Software, using the fraction builder. The 2 equations would tell how much pizzas were left, from all the pizzas and how much pizzas the family ate, from all the pizzas. We did this task of a Google Drawing. The Walt is add and subtract fractions beyond one.

Here is my Pizza Equations on my Google Drawing!

Bye-Bye bloggers I hope you liked my work and don’t forget to comment!

Aboriginal art blog

Hey bloggers this week for inquiry we have been doing aboriginal art. For this art we had to get a piece of paper that had some animals ( The animals were: Turtle, Kangaroo, Snake, lizard) and get some colouring pencils, and chose 3 to 4 colours and practice putting dots around our chosen animal. After that  we had to get a black piece of paper and trace an animal, ( The animal I chose was a Snake)  and then we had to get a cotton bud and put it in the paint, and then put the dots around the animal. You could use around 3 to 4 colours. We had to do this until the whole black paper got filed.

This art was fun, I think my work turned out good and my favourite part was putting the dots all around the paper. My colours were, Light blue, Dark blue, red and gold.

Next we had to create a Canva poster about Aboriginal art, the  poster had to include pictures and what Aboriginal art was used for. We could also change the colour of the background, and then we had to embed it and then blog it, like what I am doing now.

Here is my Aboriginal art poster

Bye-Bye bloggers I hope you liked my work and don’t forget to comment.

School Timetable 19/6/2024

Hi bloggers, today for maths we have been making a school timetable on a google drawing. First we had to create a google drawing and put in the title with the date. Next we had to create the timetable with the tables on the insert button. After that we had to look at the whiteboard and put down the times, the times on the whiteboard were fractions so we had to calculate it. After that we write the subjects and the times in for each of the subjects.

Here is my timetable

The timetable is not true, it is just estimated. Now I will ask you 3 math questions that is about my timetable. Now Don’t look at my timetable.

Question 1: If I had 4 Spelling sessions  and they are each 1 quarter of an hour, how much time did I spend on spelling.

Question 2: If I had 3 Reading sessions and they were 3 quarters of an hour, how much time did I spend on the 3 reading lessons.

Question 3: If I had 8 lessons of Reading and they were each 3 quarters of an hour how much time did I spend on reading.

You can comment your answers for the questions but please put in question 1, question 2 and then question 3, so I know what question it is. Bye-Bye bloggers, I hope you liked my school timetable!






Reading week 8 term 2

Hey bloggers this week for reading the options of the books were about cultures. My book was about the painted hoe, Maori culture. Here is the Walt: Summarise (in detail) in my own words. Now lets move on to the create tasks.

Create task 1:

For create task 1 we had to go on flip and sign in with google on our school account and then make a video of us summarising our book we chose. As you know I chose the book called the painted Waka. We would have to use expression and detail in our video. Next we had to make sure it was in the cultural art section, after that we could add photos and other stuff. Next we would have to finish the video and create a cover and then enter the title, and click finish and then let flip put it to your videos. After that we have to download it and then blog it like what I am doing now.

I enjoyed this create task, I enjoyed the second bit, where we record ourselves doing our flip, and this time I managed to do the video, in under 1 minute and 30 seconds. I didn’t manage to do the it the first time in the last blog, and you would know that if you looked at my last reading blog. I thought finding the 10 facts from the book was a bit hard though, okay now lets move on to the next create task

Create task 2

For create task 2 we had to go on canva and record ourselves, reading two pages of our story, we had to make sure we had expression and detail, we could also add pictures and change the background. My pictures were different Waka’s and paddles for waka’s. You could also change the shape and size of ourselves.

I enjoyed this create task more then create task 1 because canva is much easier to use. It is easier to title it and put in photos and words in the video. I also liked putting in the photos and finding the right ones for the video. Now you can watch the video and let’s move on to create task 3

Here is my canva video

Create task 3

For create task 3 we will be making a kahoot. We won’t actually be making a kahoot, we will be making questions to plan the kahoot.  First we had to go and read the book over again and, then go onto the reading google slides and then click the create task 2 link and make a copy. Then you move it to your reading folder in your google drive and title it. After that we have to come up with 10 questions, this would be quite hard. Next you have to come up with four options for each question. The questions have to be related to the book by the way. The questions could be true or false, single select, or multi select. You could also use the ticks and crosses at the side to know what is correct. All you have to do is copy and paste them. Then you screenshot it or embed it.

I found this create task a bit hard, it was hard to find the questions but it was easy to make the options. I liked making the options and found it fun making questions but it was still a bit hard. I also learnt a bit more about the Painted Hoe while making the questions for the kahoot. It was also easy to put in the ticks and crosses.

Here is my kahoot planning sheet

Bye-Bye bloggers I hope you liked my work and I hope you comment on my reading create tasks.













My blog profile picture

Hey bloggers this week and last week we have been working on making a blog profile picture for Edublogs. First we had to go on to the cybersmart tab and click on the Ruru Photo thing. After that you find your picture and download it, next we have to go on to canva, and click Photo Editor and then click on download image than we had to put in our image to upload it to canva and then you would have your canva with your photo. Next we have to remove the background and then Duplicate the poster page 4 times and then change the size of your person. Then you change the background colour and your person colour. After that you make a copy of the template your meant to use, and then title it. After that you have to put in your people on each side and then your done!

Here is my blog profile picture

Bye-bye bloggers

Week 7 term 2 create tasks

Hey bloggers this week for reading we are doing books about cultures, my book was about traditional martial art of Japan, Jujitsu.  There were 8 choices in total.  ( The Walt is Summarise in (detail in) my own words) Now lets move on to the create tasks.

Create task 1

For create task 1 we had to get our books and then read over our story and get ten facts about it, this could be a bit hard.         We had to write 10 facts in our reading books. Next we have to go into an app called flip and sign in with google record myself, taking a video of me summarising my journal and recording my 10 facts. We also had to make sure we take the video in 1 minute 30 seconds or else you have to restart, because you have a time limit, which is 1 minute and 30 seconds. After that you have to download it.

I found this create task easy but I found the part where you embed your work Easy but I needed help but soon I found out that the embed did not work because the video would not play. However  other parts were easy, like writing down the facts and making the video, and this was very fun. I also learnt a lot of facts about Ju Jitsu and what they do at their lessons, like their are nine belts at Ju Jitsu and you can get badges by doing moves correctly. Okay lets go to the next create task.

Create task 2

For create task 2 we will be making a kahoot. We won’t actually be making a kahoot, we will be making questions to plan the kahoot.  First we had to go and read the book over again and, then go onto the reading google slides and then click the create task 2 link and make a copy. Then you move it to your reading folder in your google drive and title it. After that we have to come up with 10 questions, this would be quite hard. Next you have to come up with four options for each question. The questions have to be related to the book by the way. The questions could be true or false, single select, or multi select. You could also use the ticks and crosses at the side to know what is correct. All you have to do is copy and paste them. Then you screenshot it or embed it.

I found this create task a bit hard, it was hard to find the questions but it was easy to make the options. I liked making the options and found it fun making questions but it was still a bit hard. I also learnt a bit more about Ju Jitsu while making the questions for the kahoot.

Here is my work


Create task 3

For create task 3 we had to go onto canva and and record us reading 2 pages from the book we chose. As you should Know I’m doing “Not Just Kicking And Punching. We had to make sure we used expressions, and different voices for different people. We could also use pictures and write some stuff if we wanted to. We could also change the colour of the background, like white to green.

I found this task the easiest, because it was easy to read it and find pictures about Ju Jitsu. It was also easy recording and doing the embed part. My favourite part was finding the pictures.

Here is my video on canva.


Bye-Bye bloggers please comment on  these create tasks, and can you also rate it out of 10 in your comment! I hope you like my blog!


















Biography writing plan

Hey bloggers this week for writing we have moved on to Biography writing. For Biography writing, we had to choose a person to write about, it had to be out of the choices we got given. I chose Richie Mccaw, We then had to read what was in the link to the person. After reading that we had to make a plan about our person in our books. We had to write facts about his Early life and Education, Interests, hobbies and career, and Awards and achievements. We also had to include some interesting facts. That was all for the writing planning. I found this easy by the way.

Sorry I cannot show you my work because the writing would be backwards, and a can’t make it the other way.



Week 6 term 2 reading create tasks

Hey blogger this week for reading we had to choose from the books from last week. I chose the book Earth paints. The other options were all about art. So my create tasks will be about Earth paints. ( Walt: Reorganise information to gain an understanding of the text and wider world. We then had to read our book we chose and then watch the challenge text, complementary text and scaffolding text that are meant for it.

Create task 1

For create task 1 we had to make a copy of a google doc that had a place to put ten facts from the book. We had to grab our book and read through it again to see the facts. When we finish reading it, we type up the ten facts we found from the book. After we finish typing down the ten facts we move on to part 2. For part 2 we have to go on to canva and create a video. When you create the video you type the title, and then write down all the facts. You also have to add pictures related to the book.

I found this create task easy and fun, and I learnt lots about Aboriginal art. I liked writing down the facts and putting them into a Canva video as well. I liked learning about aboriginal art, and I liked learning about it, like that I learnt that Aboriginal Painters use emu, fish oil, and beeswax to make their paint stick.

Here is my create task 1 part 1


Here is create task 1 part 2

Create task 2

For create task 2 we had to create a Google Drawing and then title it, what you want it to be titled. Then you use shapes and the lines you can use on the Google drawing. Your art also has to be a art from your book. My art is about Aboriginal art. After doing your art, you write a summary underneath it, that tells you what you used to make it. You don’t say you made it with shapes, you say what you would need to make it in real life. You could also use your book to see more Aboriginal art, and find out what they use. You could also use the challenge text, complementary text and scaffolding text.  You also have to make your art related to your book.

This create task was a bit hard because I had to use a lot of shapes, and it was hard putting them in the shape of a snake, because I made a snake. I did like making it though, I liked choosing the shapes for it. I also found it easy putting the colour in, because I would get the shape and then not copy it but I would put in the colour first, so  when I copied and pasted it it was already coloured. I also hope you like my Aboriginal art create task 2.

Here is create task 2 work.

Create task 3

For create task 3 we had to go on the reading slides and click on the link to the art gallery of Christchurch, after that we scroll through the art gallery, and read all of the arts there is. After that you pick one of the arts you found most interesting and then, go back to the reading slides and create a copy of the Newspaper slides. Your Newspaper slides will not work so you have to make a google slide or google drawing and then title it your Newspaper Title. After that you add it to your reading folder. After that you have to write in the Introduction paragraph and then write in the Main events. Make sure you put a lot of detail in the main event, and you can also add pictures and change the colour of your background. Then you blog this create task.

I found this easy and fun, I liked writing the Introduction Paragraph and main events. I also liked making up a title for it. The art I chose was called down and gritty.

Here is my slide show.

Bye-Bye now, I hope you liked my create tasks and please comment.