Hey bloggers this week for reading we are doing books about cultures, my book was about traditional martial art of Japan, Jujitsu.  There were 8 choices in total.  ( The Walt is Summarise in (detail in) my own words) Now lets move on to the create tasks.

Create task 1

For create task 1 we had to get our books and then read over our story and get ten facts about it, this could be a bit hard.         We had to write 10 facts in our reading books. Next we have to go into an app called flip and sign in with google record myself, taking a video of me summarising my journal and recording my 10 facts. We also had to make sure we take the video in 1 minute 30 seconds or else you have to restart, because you have a time limit, which is 1 minute and 30 seconds. After that you have to download it.

I found this create task easy but I found the part where you embed your work Easy but I needed help but soon I found out that the embed did not work because the video would not play. However  other parts were easy, like writing down the facts and making the video, and this was very fun. I also learnt a lot of facts about Ju Jitsu and what they do at their lessons, like their are nine belts at Ju Jitsu and you can get badges by doing moves correctly. Okay lets go to the next create task.

Create task 2

For create task 2 we will be making a kahoot. We won’t actually be making a kahoot, we will be making questions to plan the kahoot.  First we had to go and read the book over again and, then go onto the reading google slides and then click the create task 2 link and make a copy. Then you move it to your reading folder in your google drive and title it. After that we have to come up with 10 questions, this would be quite hard. Next you have to come up with four options for each question. The questions have to be related to the book by the way. The questions could be true or false, single select, or multi select. You could also use the ticks and crosses at the side to know what is correct. All you have to do is copy and paste them. Then you screenshot it or embed it.

I found this create task a bit hard, it was hard to find the questions but it was easy to make the options. I liked making the options and found it fun making questions but it was still a bit hard. I also learnt a bit more about Ju Jitsu while making the questions for the kahoot.

Here is my work


Create task 3

For create task 3 we had to go onto canva and and record us reading 2 pages from the book we chose. As you should Know I’m doing “Not Just Kicking And Punching. We had to make sure we used expressions, and different voices for different people. We could also use pictures and write some stuff if we wanted to. We could also change the colour of the background, like white to green.

I found this task the easiest, because it was easy to read it and find pictures about Ju Jitsu. It was also easy recording and doing the embed part. My favourite part was finding the pictures.

Here is my video on canva.


Bye-Bye bloggers please comment on  these create tasks, and can you also rate it out of 10 in your comment! I hope you like my blog!


















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