Reading week 8 term 2

Hey bloggers this week for reading the options of the books were about cultures. My book was about the painted hoe, Maori culture. Here is the Walt: Summarise (in detail) in my own words. Now lets move on to the create tasks.

Create task 1:

For create task 1 we had to go on flip and sign in with google on our school account and then make a video of us summarising our book we chose. As you know I chose the book called the painted Waka. We would have to use expression and detail in our video. Next we had to make sure it was in the cultural art section, after that we could add photos and other stuff. Next we would have to finish the video and create a cover and then enter the title, and click finish and then let flip put it to your videos. After that we have to download it and then blog it like what I am doing now.

I enjoyed this create task, I enjoyed the second bit, where we record ourselves doing our flip, and this time I managed to do the video, in under 1 minute and 30 seconds. I didn’t manage to do the it the first time in the last blog, and you would know that if you looked at my last reading blog. I thought finding the 10 facts from the book was a bit hard though, okay now lets move on to the next create task

Create task 2

For create task 2 we had to go on canva and record ourselves, reading two pages of our story, we had to make sure we had expression and detail, we could also add pictures and change the background. My pictures were different Waka’s and paddles for waka’s. You could also change the shape and size of ourselves.

I enjoyed this create task more then create task 1 because canva is much easier to use. It is easier to title it and put in photos and words in the video. I also liked putting in the photos and finding the right ones for the video. Now you can watch the video and let’s move on to create task 3

Here is my canva video

Create task 3

For create task 3 we will be making a kahoot. We won’t actually be making a kahoot, we will be making questions to plan the kahoot.  First we had to go and read the book over again and, then go onto the reading google slides and then click the create task 2 link and make a copy. Then you move it to your reading folder in your google drive and title it. After that we have to come up with 10 questions, this would be quite hard. Next you have to come up with four options for each question. The questions have to be related to the book by the way. The questions could be true or false, single select, or multi select. You could also use the ticks and crosses at the side to know what is correct. All you have to do is copy and paste them. Then you screenshot it or embed it.

I found this create task a bit hard, it was hard to find the questions but it was easy to make the options. I liked making the options and found it fun making questions but it was still a bit hard. I also learnt a bit more about the Painted Hoe while making the questions for the kahoot. It was also easy to put in the ticks and crosses.

Here is my kahoot planning sheet

Bye-Bye bloggers I hope you liked my work and I hope you comment on my reading create tasks.