Walt: Order Decimals in a list

Hey bloggers today for maths we are doing activity 8 of the NNS6 slides. First we learnt and looked at the Nutrition on the packaging of some muffins, brownies and cookies. After that we had to look at different things on the packaging. We had to do it on the per 100 Grams column. After that the next step is to make a copy of the slideshow we have to make and then move it to our maths folder and then we had to look at the two questions we had to do. The first question is that we had to Compare the sugar content with the five boxes of baking by putting the amounts in order on a number line, we have to use the number line on the Interactive Whiteboard. For question 2 we had to say which of the boxes of baking would be recommended. We had to choose the ones with low sugars so you wouldn’t get sick as well.

Here is my one!

 Bye bye bloggers I hoped you liked my blogs and don’t forget to comment!

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